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vessel segment中文是什么意思

用"vessel segment"造句"vessel segment"怎么读"vessel segment" in a sentence


  • 导管分子


  • Motion tracking of coronary vessel segment based on active contour model
  • It firstly searches the path through vessel segment of interest , then detects vascular edges along profiles perpendicular to the path
  • We obtain a detecting orientation every - 15 ? and then construct 12 different 13x13 templates , which are used to search for vessel segments along all possible directions
    每隔15 ~ 0取一个检测方向,共建立12个13 13方向检测模板矩阵。
  • Then , a technology based on improved active contour model is used to automatically track the interesting vessel segment , labeled by start point and end point selected by operator in the beginning of the process , through model deforming from its initial position which is automatically located in our method
用"vessel segment"造句  
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